Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 3

Completed the Shoulders and Arms, plus the Ab Ripper.  By completed, I mean attempted to keep up and had to laugh at myself for trying.

The Shoulders and Arms were not too bad.  However, I decided to use the stretch bands instead of free weights since I did not know what to expect.  I think if I had used the free weights, I would not have the strength in my arms to type this right now.  As for the bands, I started light and realized I was having too much of an easy time, so I went to another level.  I think for next time, I will double the bands to get more resistance.

The Ab Ripper was exactly what is sounds like.  I managed to keep up half the time, and then did simpler moves while they continued to "rip."  I know I can handle it the more I work-out, but for the first time, it totally kicked my butt.  Being pregnant for nine months will leave a very flabby ab to rip.

Time to nurse Noah, pick up Caleb from school, watch my carpool friend's child for the afternoon, pick up Abby from school, make dinner, put the kids to bed and pass out. 

And I thought the Ab Ripper was hard.

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