This is the beginning of a different kind of week. After three weeks of the same order, Week 4 is supposed to be a time of giving my body a break. There is still something every day, but not as much with lifting weights and doing pull-ups, etc.
Today I was supposed to do Yoga. I had the ideal time for when I was going to do it in the midst of an already busy day. However, my little girl had pain in both ears and stayed home from school. This is what my day looked like...
Abby home all day, cooking and baking all morning for two families that I said I would take meals to, fed Noah lunch, hurried out the door with both kids and two meals to deliver, delivered meals, hurried back to my carpool friend's home to pick up Caleb, all three kids home, two of which did not want to nap, took all three to Abby's doctor's appointment, stopped at the store to pick up her medicine for her ear infections, got home with dinner already in the oven (love that start time setting), ate, gave baths, Nick came home just in time to say good night to them, day over.
Now how I was supposed to fit a 90 minute Yoga work-out in there is beyond me. I'll try again tomorrow.