Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 3

After birthday party number one of three was cancelled on Saturday, I had no excuse to skip my work-out.  Completed Shoulders and Arms.  I actually enjoy that work-out.  It is not too hard, compared to others.  And since it repeats itself, I can keep going without waiting for Tony to talk for awhile between reps.

Now, for the bad news.  Within a couple of hours of completing the work-out, I started getting sick.

As I am writing this, I still have chills and feel exhausted.  Today has the extra bonus of stomach cramps, which I am assuming is from drinking too much sprite and not eating enough actual food. 

I remember something like this happening the first time that I started P90X.  And I know it happened to Nick-big time.  It took him days to feel better.  Unfortunately, this week is way too busy for me to be sick so I better get over it-now.

Needless to say, I have not completed Day 4, yet, and I do not see it happening today.  Considering I almost fall over carrying Noah upstairs, I do not see 90 minutes of Yoga going over well.

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