Hello blog world, it's me, the gradually falling out of shape again slacker.
I must be living in some kind of fantasy world to think that I can work out while the kids (and Nick) are home for the summer. Somehow my lovely husband is able to keep doing P90X every evening, while I gladly sit on my butt doing logic puzzles or writing about how I should be working out.
I am just not a night person. So, instead of waiting two more weeks until school is officially in session, I figured I would start getting up an hour earlier to work out before the chaos of the day begins.
My alarm promptly went off at 6:00 a.m. this morning. And I promptly turned it off and went back to sleep.
In my defense, I was up a lot last night, not feeling well and needed the rest. Meanwhile, I am starting to feel a little loose in my belly and arms and know that I have some major work to do.
I am starting again tomorrow. Yes I am.
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