Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 1 Part 2

I am starting the program from the beginning.

Yes, I am crazy.

My neighbor and I are going to help motivate each other, as she is starting for the first time and our husbands are doing the program as well.

Today, I did Core Synergistics.  Considering I have not done this one for awhile, it kicked my butt.  For some reason, I forgot about all of the push-ups.  Sphinx push-ups?  Seriously?

My motivation to start again came from this past weekend.  I put on my bathing suit. 

What is amusing to me is that I felt pretty great in most parts of my body, except for my thighs and stomach.  I know, I know.  The mother of three does not feel super in that area.  Shocking.  But, it got me to thinking that most of the work-outs that I missed because of time commitments were legs and back and the ab ripper.  Hmm.

So, here we go again.  Wish me luck.

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