Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 53

Doing Yoga today was not the easiest thing to do. 

I took the kids to school, since Nick "skipped" work to go to the Reds Opening Day game.  I told him to join me while I set up the Yoga mat, which he found hilarious.  He is on his last week of not being allowed to work out, while his asthma gets under control.  Just wait until he starts the work-out and gets to Yoga...that will make me very happy.

Had just enough time to finish Yoga before hopping in the car to pick up Caleb.  It has been a busy driving week and I feel like I have not been getting anything else accomplished.  Just one of those weeks.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 52

Took the kids to school, came home, put Noah down for a nap, and completed Chest, Shoulders & Triceps.  Since I missed it last week, some of the moves were a bit challenging, but overall, it felt great.  I kept feeling a pinch in my left arm while doing a couple of lifts, but it was not a terrible pain. 

I even did the Ab Ripper afterwards.  I was tempted to skip it, since I still had to bake cookies to go along with a meal I was making for a friend before leaving to pick up Caleb from school.  I figured I could do it later once I was home.  But, of course, reality set in and I knew that would never happen.

A few of the Ab moves made me want to throw up, but some are getting easier.  And by "easier" I mean that I do not have such a strong desire to throw my shoe at the television in protest.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 51

Did Cardio today.  It went well.  Sometimes with this work-out I wish there was more cardio.  I am longing for the warm weather so I can get out walking and running again.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 50

Finally-back to working out.  Everyone went to school, Noah took a nap, and I completed Core Synergistics.  I will admit, after missing a couple of days, I did want to throw up during Bow/Boat and Superman/Banana.  But, I managed to get through it.

And, big news for me, I was able to do the Dreyaroll.  Yay!  It is amazing how many moves are easier when I am not nursing and back to normal. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 49

Hmm, today looked a lot like yesterday.  Meant to do Kenpo on my normal rest day, but again, too many things happening.  Between church and buying fish with the kids, I realized it was bedtime before I knew it.

Everyone is back to school tomorrow, so I am thinking I can get back on schedule with no excuses.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 48

Meant to do Yoga today.  Cleaned the house all morning.  Grandparents took the kids for the afternoon so Nick and I could have some time off.  Made dinner for everyone.  Celebrated a neighbor's first birthday.  Went to bed.

For some reason, 90 minutes of Yoga did not find its way into my day.  And I am okay with that.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 47

This spring break is really messing up my routine.  It is making me thankful that I am doing this work-out during the school season instead of the summer.  It is next to impossible to get anything done when everyone is home.

At least on the days that I miss a work-out, it is because of being too busy and not just laziness.  Yesterday, we rearranged the living room.  Today, I had to find a place to put everything.  Between pushing furniture around, going up and down the stairs to put things away, and using my yoga balance to stand up high and hang curtains, I still felt like I worked.

My goal is to do Yoga tomorrow and Kenpo on Sunday, skipping the Rest day (sigh) and getting back on track on Monday.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 46

Okay, back on schedule.  Instead of ignoring the past couple of days, I am going to try and make them up.

So, today I did cardio.  With the kids playing next to me.  Delightful. 

I think my favorite part was when I was in the middle of the Plyometrics section and had to change Noah's diaper.  I had just huffed and puffed through raising my legs over a chair and pretending to jump tires, stopped to clean up his crap, then went back to huffing and puffing as the work-out repeated itself. 

Oh, the joy.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 45

Halfway there!

And I celebrated by missing another work-out.

In my defense, we were driving across the state of Ohio most of the day.  I did plan on making up my Cardio work-out when we got home, but by the time we unloaded the van, made dinner, somewhat unpacked and got the kids to bed...yawn.

To top on the guilt, I received a message from a high school friend who reads this blog, telling me how inspiring this is.  My apologies, Cami.  I will work-out tomorrow just for you!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 44

Today was Cardio.  Or supposed to be.  I decided that cooking and cleaning for my mom, visiting with my family and hanging out with friends was a better use of my time.

To balance it out, I have not had any time to snack during the day so that works, right?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 43

After a busy morning, I put Core Synergistics in my laptop and worked out again in the library. 

Abby tried to join me, but got tired after the warm-up (what does that tell you?).  Between putting the barking out dog outside so that she did not wake up Noah and answering the phone, it was fun to try and stick with it, but I did the best that I could. 

I have learned from these past few days how much I appreciate working out in the morning at home.  My motivation goes down as each hour of the day passes.

Almost halfway!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 42

My day of rest.  If you want to call cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, and playing with kids all on two hours of sleep rest. 

My mom is recovering from knee surgery so part of the reason we are here this week is so that I can help her out a little bit.  Noah was having some sort of stomach problems in the middle of the night, so he kept Nick and I up most of the night.  Lots of crying and pooping and he was finally better-by morning.

So, I am thankful today was Rest.  Very thankful.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 41

We are in PA visiting my family for a few days.  I brought my work-out stuff because I cannot imagine how hard it would be to start over again if I missed almost a week.

So I set up in the library and got to work on Kenpo.  With family members walking through every now and then, and trying not to jump around too much to bring down the farmhouse, I managed to do most of it.  Everyone started to watch a movie toward the end so I missed about five minutes of the work-out and cooled down the living room so I could join in on the fun.

I have to say, hanging out with my family is much more fun than exercising.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 40

I went to chapel at Abby's school.  I stopped by the closing Borders in town to find some deals (fyi for my Mason parents-no chapter books or good kid books left).  I picked up Caleb from school.  I did laundry and packed for our trip to PA.  I made dinner and put the kids to bed.  I crashed on the couch and fell asleep.

I did not work out today.  Someday I will work out on a Friday again.  Someday.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 39

I used to think that the first half of Yoga X was harder than the second half.  I am slowly changing my mind.

I think it is because I getting used to the never-ending movements of the first half.  Now that I know what to expect, I move with slight grace and can breathe through the used-to-be impossible poses.  The second half was kicking my butt today.  Especially the ab work.  I felt a combination of wanting to throw up from working my ab muscles and actually being really hungry from the work-out.

Now that I am done nursing, it is official-I need to watch what I eat.  Not that I am a terrible eater, mind you.  I eat pretty healthy, but have never really counted calories or dieted.  Not that I plan on dieting, either!  But, perhaps my daily egg bagel from Brueggers should take a break. 

It just tastes so good after a work-out, though...

I do not want to give the scale too much credit since I am gaining muscle at the same time.  But, I have not moved down a pound since the first few that I lost in the beginning.  Things are shaping up, but I am really frustrated with my weight.  I feel great about myself, but still dread finding things to wear in public.  Staying home with the kids in my sweats is so much more fun.

Even though the weight takes awhile, I do feel great these days.  My energy level is up and I do not get as tired as I used to get.

You know, besides the usual "I have three active children who exhaust me" tiredness.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 38

Oh Chest, Shoulders and Triceps-how I love you.

Not really.

I never knew there were so many varieties of push-ups.  No matter the style, they all suck.

Okay, so my arms are feeling better and I like knowing that each week I can do more.  Better than that, I can do more without staying on my knees.  And if that older lady on the video can do these, then I can, too!

Ab Ripper went well.  I felt like I was going to throw up the entire time, but that's good, right?  At least Adam is fun to watch while I double over in pain.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 37

Got the kids and Nick out the door, put Noah down for a nap and did Cardio.  Felt great.  I like that I am finally able to keep up with the reps that they do without gasping for breath. 

Each time I do cardio, I am reminded how I enjoy it and that I need to start doing more.  As the weather warms, I plan on running either in the morning before everyone wakes up or with Noah later in the day. 

You know, with all of my time and energy.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 36

This whole time change is really messing with me.  Or, maybe it was because I stayed up too late last night, watching a movie with Nick.  Or, it could be that Noah woke up in the middle of the night, poopy and hungry. 

Whatever the reason, instead of working out this morning, I went back to bed.  I have not done that since Abby was a newborn and I had the freedom to do so.  It felt great to catnap, but eventually my dreams became filled with all of the things I needed to get done before being out for the afternoon, and the guilt woke me up. 

I also have this strange pain in my chest.  Not just the continuous soreness from weaning, but like I pulled a muscle or something.  Whatever it is, tackling a work-out this morning is just not in the plan. 

In the meantime, I did have fun painting pottery with Caleb and some of his preschool friends this afternoon.  A bunch of three and four-year olds painting detailed pieces of art...beautiful.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 35

Today was a nice rest day.  Instead of stretching for an hour, I opted for a nice afternoon walk with my neighbor.  With both boys home with Nick.  Lovely.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 34

The kids went with their grandparents to the zoo, Nick took the car in for an oil change, Noah took a morning nap and I completed Kenpo.  Love it.

After a few weeks of feeling kind of clumsy at Kenpo, this time I felt like I was actually accomplishing something.  I put on my Jack Bauer persona and kicked some butt.  I had images of someone trying to harm my children, and kicked and punched the air with all might.  Those imaginary villains took a beating.

With the weather absolutely beautiful (it snowed yesterday so of course it feels like spring today), I followed up the work-out with a brisk walk with Noah.  It is amazing how I can break a sweat while walking quickly when I only have the five-month old.  When Abby is scootering and Caleb is "helping" me push the stroller, I do not feel much of a work-out.  Strange.

Now, I feel like I have all this energy.  I am totally motivated to rearrange the living room furniture.  Of course, that would mean picking up all the toys on the floor and I am not really motivated to do that.  We'll see...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 33

Today should have been Legs and Back, with my ever favorite Ab Ripper.  However, it was one of those "did not have a second to sit down" days.  It was Nick's payday a.k.a. my grocery shopping day.  I got home from my adventures a whole two minutes before Caleb was dropped off from school.  Unloading groceries, making lunch, changing diapers, cleaning the house for company that was due that evening, taking Abby to dance class, baking cookies, home just in time for company...yeah, it was one of those days.

If I have to miss one, I do not mind missing the legs since mine are usually strong anyway.  I do need to work on my back, though-for some reason there are flabs of skin there that never appeared before the third pregnancy.  Hmm.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 32

Oh yes, my favorite day of the week.  Yoga.

Honestly, I am starting to hate it less each time I do it.  I have noticed that it really helps me with all of the other work-outs.  My balance and flexibility are much better and of course the other work-outs do not seem quite so long compared to 90 minutes of breathing and killing my muscles.

I have to say thank-you to my carpool friend.  She usually picks up our preschoolers on Thursdays, which gives me time to do yoga and shower.  Anyone who has young children knows that is quite a feat.  When I pick up the kids, I have to wake up Noah from his morning nap in order to get there on time to feed him in the parking lot while waiting for dismissal.  Having all of Thursday morning to myself (and Noah) is wonderful.

So, another day of yoga done.  Yippee.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 31

This will tell you how tired and out of it I am...yesterday should have been cardio and today should have been Chest, Shoulders, Triceps and Ab Ripper.  I could have saved myself a lot of time last night.

Oh well.  I did Cardio today with plenty of time left over this morning to clean out my closet, put clothes away, and pick up Caleb from school.  It felt great.  I was finally able to keep up with everything without hitting the pause button or gasping for breath while they finished their routine.

Bring on the Yoga tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 30

My day got a little turned around with having company and then Abby coming home early from school with chest pains, and then a trip to the doctor...long day.  Although, having time with a good friend in the morning and extra time with my little girl is always worth it :)

I was determined to not skip again, so after the kids went to bed, I immediately put in the next disc.  Today was Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, which was a new one to me.  A few moves were familiar, but many were new.  I did my best, although some of those push-ups are a bit ridiculous.  Seriously, I am supposed to do claps in between and one arm push-ups?  I am a girl, you know.

The work-out was followed by the ever-fun Ab Ripper.  Yippee.

I will be feeling this tomorrow.  But, I am super glad that I did it tonight.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 29

I finally had a normal morning at my house.  By normal, I mean everyone went to school, Noah took a good nap and I was able to work out in the morning.

Completed Core Synergistics today.  It felt great (in that exhausted sort of way) and I was still able to complete more of the exercises that they lead. 

I am feeling more of a push to keep at this now that I am done nursing.  The other day, I ate lunch and did not work out and really felt it all day long.  It is amazing how those nursing calories always keep you hungry and never stuffed! 

Here we go, week five!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 28

Today was Rest/Stretch.  I meant to take an hour for stretch, but the day got a bit busy.

Gee, I find myself saying that a lot, lately.

Honestly, though, between church, celebrating my sister-in-law's birthday and eating out with school moms (don't worry-I ate a ridiculously expensive salad), the day flew by.  I really do value that rest, though!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 27

The schedule called for Yoga, but anyone who has kids knows a 90 minute work-out with everyone home is next to impossible.  No, correct that-impossible.  So, I did cardio instead.  With limited floor space, I did my running/jumping/yoga, carefully avoiding the tower of blocks the kids had just built and Nick's bass guitar left out from the night before. 

It was fun.

Yesterday was my official first day of being done nursing.  It was not an easy decision to wean so early, but Noah really needed to gain more weight.  I noticed a huge difference as soon as I started switching to formula.  I could blame my low milk supply on this work-out.  But, since my other two children started leveling off in weight gain around the same time with me not doing too much, I figured it was bound to happen anyway.

That being said, once I start to feel comfortable again (you nursing moms know what I am talking about), I might start getting up very early to work-out, especially on really busy days. 

Yoga at 5 AM?  Sure.  Bring it.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 26

Unbelievable.  I planned on doing the cardio that was on the schedule, but found absolutely no time to do it.  I really wish I was just making up excuses, but sadly, my day really was that busy.

I took the kids to school since Nick had to be there early, and since it was my day to pick up Caleb and his carpool friend from preschool, and since we were out of things like milk and toilet paper, I just stayed out and ran errands.  Then, Nick was still grading papers in the afternoon so I had to pick up Abby.  Went from there to dance class to fast food to home. 

Also had a surprise visit from a good friend driving through our city last night.  He just happens to be a month ahead of me in this work-out so we did talk about P90X.  That counts, right?  In fact, he shared with me a great you tube link by Jim Rome, who talks about his P90X Yoga work-out.  If you have done this Yoga, you will find this hilarious...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 25

Today called for Stretch, but since I missed a couple of days due to life, I figured I should do something a bit more challenging.  So, I completed Core Synergistics.  It felt great and I was noticed this time that I was able to finish a couple of the moves that I could not do well before.

My proudest moment was doing the push-ups that I have struggled with in the past.  It is supposed to look like this...push up, move body to side to support weight on one arm, reach up with other arm, then reach down and under the body, then reach up again, and go back into regular push-up position.  Repeat on other side. 

What I have always looked like is a pitiful push-up, get into the side position, fall down, try again, kind of manage it, go back to regular push-up position, stay there while everyone else does an actual push-up, try to other side, repeat the fall, fast forward to the next cue.

However, now I can finally keep up with this one.  I hate to admit it, but I believe Yoga has something to do with it.  I can tell a difference in the strength of my arms from doing Yoga.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 24

Finally, back on schedule.  The work-out said Kenpo so that is what I did.  It felt great to finally sweat a little bit and stretch my muscles.  And I made a point to exercise as soon as Noah took his morning nap so that I could not get caught up in any excuses.

I will admit that my Kenpo disc sometimes skips so that I do not always get the full work-out (only losing at the most a few minutes).  However, today, it worked the entire time. 

It feels great to be back.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 23

Okay, so apparently I am going to make up my own routine this week.  Today was a day like yesterday so again...did not work out.  I am starting to get frustrated because I really love routine and order.

Yes, I just read that last sentence and realized it is humorous considering I have three children.

At least this is a week with an extra stretch day built in so I will make up for it then.

The house is clean, tomorrow is a leftovers night, I am slightly caught up on laundry-no excuses!