Thursday, June 16, 2011

Still Going

Yep, still attempting to work out.  I feel this time I am being a bit more flexible, though.

What?  More flexible than the first time through?

I know, I know.  It is really hard to stick to a schedule with the kids home.  I am trying to do what I can do with the small amount of spare time I have left.

I meant to complete everything last week, but yard work got in the way.  I carried stacks of wood to the backyard, drilled holes into them, stacked them together, and used a sledgehammer to finish the job.  Then carried soil and mulch to put around my new plants.  After sweating more than I did during Cardio, I figured I had a good work-out.

This week, I have done a couple of work-outs with Nick.  Shoulders and Arms was good.  Started Yoga this evening with Nick, then got a text from my neighbor asking to take a walk.  Walked for awhile, then finished the last half hour of Yoga with Nick.  Works for me.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 2 Part 2

Ah, Cardio.  My favorite. 

No, seriously, it really is.  Not as long as the other work-outs and I enjoy every part of it.

Except for Superman/Banana.  Seriously, who came up with that ridiculous idea?

In the midst of sweating my butt off doing Cardio, I got a text from my neighbor who got home too late to join me, asking to go for a walk instead.  Considering my dvd somehow skipped the last part of the work-out, I figured I better make up for it.  So, as I was gasping and dripping sweat on my phone, I texted her back and agreed.

Walking and talking with a friend?  So beats doing Cardio alone.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 1 Part 2

I am starting the program from the beginning.

Yes, I am crazy.

My neighbor and I are going to help motivate each other, as she is starting for the first time and our husbands are doing the program as well.

Today, I did Core Synergistics.  Considering I have not done this one for awhile, it kicked my butt.  For some reason, I forgot about all of the push-ups.  Sphinx push-ups?  Seriously?

My motivation to start again came from this past weekend.  I put on my bathing suit. 

What is amusing to me is that I felt pretty great in most parts of my body, except for my thighs and stomach.  I know, I know.  The mother of three does not feel super in that area.  Shocking.  But, it got me to thinking that most of the work-outs that I missed because of time commitments were legs and back and the ab ripper.  Hmm.

So, here we go again.  Wish me luck.